Led by Tendring District Council, Colchester City Council and Essex County Council, Prior + Partners have collaborated with Gillespies, ITP and Hydrock to drive a clear framework for long-term delivery. Closely involved at each and every stage of the projects journey, from initial visioning to preparation of the Strategic Masterplan, our work has formed a critical part of the evidence base for this plan, which can be viewed in full here: https://tcbgardencommunity.oc2.uk/document/1
The Garden Community provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a place to live, work and play in a better way, and embraces the very best in placemaking for the future. Comprehensively planned from the start, the proposals will deliver circa 7,500 new homes over the next 20 years, alongside new and diverse leisure and recreation facilities, employment opportunities, and transport infrastructure.
The project is a demonstration of where, from the outset of a project, strong public sector leadership and high levels of collaboration with the delivery Partner – in this case Latimer Clarion – proves pivotal in driving a long-term approach to investment and stewardship that will realise an exemplar in design quality and 21st Century new communities.

The project is a demonstration of where, from the outset of a project, strong public sector leadership and high levels of collaboration with the delivery Partner – in this case Latimer Clarion – proves pivotal in driving a long-term approach to investment and stewardship that will realise an exemplar in design quality and 21st Century new communities.

This work builds on a long history and focus by Prior + Partners in driving the agenda on new communities, including authoring a publication in 2020 which can be viewed here: https://www.priorandpartners.com/newcommunities
If you would like to discuss our experiences for both public and private sector partners, please get in touch via newbusiness@priorpartners.com, planning director simon.mattinson@priorpartners.com, or masterplanning associate director claire.perrott@priorpartners.com.