Could a new generation of Spatial Development Strategies (SDSs) that promote a joined-up approach to growth and development across England deliver benefits for both people and the planet?
Last week, the Strategic Planning Group held the first of five initial topic-led sessions. Our inaugural workshop session sought to define the purpose and objectives of strategic planning, generating rich discussion. A clear emerging focus was the importance of communicating the value of larger-than-local plans to all stakeholders, including public sector organisations, the development and investor community, and the public.

Key areas of consensus around the purpose and objective of strategic plans included the requirement to:
– Inspire the public and stakeholders, and centre ambition around the benefits of well-planned development by promoting good growth in the right locations. They should demonstrate a clear rationale for the scale, location, and distribution of growth;
– Integrate ambitions from other key national, sub-regional and local documents – such as the National Industrial Strategy and local growth plans, National Infrastructure Assessment, and Local Nature Recovery Strategies – to align priorities to support growth, major projects and investments over the long term;
– Encourage investment and long-term commitments to support good placemaking, boosting investor confidence and enabling sustainable growth.

Through this exploration, we also began to tease out effective routes forward, including considerations around scope, evidence requirements, and engagement strategies. These themes will be explored further in Session 2: Setting Vision and Ambition at a Sub-Regional Scale.
Chaired by independent consultant Catriona Riddell and founded by Prior + Partners, the Strategic Planning Group aims to lay the groundwork for future strategic plans. It brings together a diverse mix of planning professionals, including local authorities, academics and other experts. While not formally part of the group, officials from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG Digital) and the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) are attending key sessions to share progress, hear from the group and engage in the discussions.
Updates from our programme of workshops over the next few months will continue to be shared on our website.