Alice Cann

New Business and Communications Co-Ordinator

Barbie was somewhat abandoned when I was a child; I was too preoccupied organising lego blocks into the cities and residences she would inhabit. This interest in people’s experiences set me on my journey to discovering the built environment and how design can impact how we experience every day.

Since accomplishing Barbie’s Town, I have completed a BA in Architecture at Newcastle University where I focused on the writings of Jane Jacobs, William H Whyte and Jan Gehl to help navigate the mundane of our streetscapes and urban fabric. After graduating, I completed my Part 1 architectural placement, where I discovered my passion for storytelling. This, combined with my ability to dissect complex projects, lent itself to helping support businesses in the built environment present their projects to a wider audience and navigate future working opportunities.

Joining Prior + Partners as Communications and New Business Co-Ordinator has ensured I continue to develop my skills in visual and written communication, whilst exposing me to sensational projects and clientele from all around the globe. However, it is safe to say my toughest client is still Miss Barbie!

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