Luisa Schettino


The interdisciplinary nature of architecture has always fascinated me and is what led me to a career as an Urban Designer. Enjoying most how these large scale projects bring together individuals with an array of skills — architects, planners, engineers, ecologists, community advocates and others — to share their ideas and knowledge.

Listening and learning from colleagues motivates me to find creative solutions to complex challenges. I find value in bringing together different voices into a shared vision, helping to establish a clear narrative that guides the collaborative process involved in masterplanning and urban design. This approach has been central to projects I have been involved with at Prior + Partners, such as the Euston Station redevelopment, the Thamesmead Waterfront Masterplan, and the Google Moffett Park Eco-Innovation District. All having complex and highly constrained sites, which required the coordination of many different specialisms to successfully respond to our brief.

It is an exciting process, where I learn and grow with each project from our exchange with clients and colleagues. Ideas become richer, more meaningful, and grounded with an approach to design which is open and participatory. Two sites are never the same, and I feel incredibly fortunate to start each day knowing that there will be new insights to learn from.

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