Martin Man

Urban Designer

As an Urban Designer at Prior + Partners, I am passionate about creating change in the built environment to tackle social injustice, and address the challenges of the climate crisis. With a background in architecture, I leverage my ability to think systemically and across scales — linking the impact of design from a masterplan to the street level. Additionally, my experience as a grassroots organiser informs an awareness for the importance of foregrounding and empowering those in the communities for whom we work.

Both in the UK and internationally, I have worked across numerous large-scale urban regeneration projects. My work in the UK has challenged me to find concrete architectural and engineering solutions that integrate a wide range of issues such as flood risk, biodiversity, and landscape regeneration, whilst still meeting pressing social needs and fulfilling the UK’s national ambitions for a net-zero transformation. Our involvement in projects across Saudi Arabia has exposed me to a different set of challenges to that of the UK, including uncontrolled sprawl, car-centric development, extreme heat, and water scarcity.

Through leading Prior + Partners’ climate working group, I provide insight and help drive the company’s work forward to tackle issues of mitigation, climate adaptation, and long-term resilience in urban environments. Through my work in planning and design I hope to continue making an impact on the most pressing issues of our time.

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