Simon Mattinson


I have always been interested by the way in which places are shaped. The stories unveiled by looking back tell us so much about the identity and function they carry today.

I was privileged to begin my career with the UK governments housing and regeneration agency, learning from influential voices I still reflect fondly on today. I knew I had a career that was not just a job, but a driving interest and passion. I’ve since supported the delivery of strategic and spatial regional plans, city scale structure and masterplans, frameworks for new communities, as well as led focussed planning application and development advice. Engaging with different cultures and communities, travelling the world, and constantly challenging perspectives is something I will never tire of.

Through these experiences I’ve become acutely aware of the pace of change and the importance of thinking about the long-term outcomes with a creative and open mind. Rarely is there one way of delivering a project. I believe the answers lie in our ability to listen and appreciate alternative viewpoints — using tools and techniques that help us look forward with greater confidence. For me this is a core focus all planners must have. How do we find the right solution? Not simply the easiest, the quickest or the cheapest and certainly not just relying on the way it’s been done before.

To explore new horizons, I am driven to lead projects that embrace a culture of collaboration and shared endeavour. I enjoy it most when project and client teams work seamlessly as one. Acting in this way allows me to feel confident that ambitious viewpoints, perspectives, and ideas can combine with deliverable and pragmatic solutions. Success is when a project completes with lasting newfound relationships and plans that will drive delivery with confidence and energy.

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